Areas of activity

Arrendamientos Urbanos

Urban Leases

Drafting, modification, advice and review of contracts. Acting in legal proceedings for eviction, claims for payment and any other contingency relating to the subject of the contractual relationship



In particular, all matters relating to contract conditions and unfair terms in mortgage contracts (such as those relating to floor clauses, interest, expenses, etc).


Real State

This sector is extremely broad and the firm covers both the formalisation of the legal transaction of the purchase and sale of real estate itself, as well as advice and management of all its details, whether prior to, during or after its formalisation. Legal services are provided to all types of operators in the real estate sector (especially real estate agencies, buyers and sellers), acting before any public or private body that may be required and drafting all types of contracts and documents that may be necessary.

 On the judicial side, and given that contractual relations can lead to legal disputes, especially concerning their fulfilment or resolution, this firm is responsible for covering them before the courts.

Abogado en Marbella Propiedad Horizontal


We provide advice to property administrators, communities of owners and homeowners in all types of cases related to real estate and its integration in communities of neighbors. Such advice includes the drafting and review of documents.


We provide legal coverage before the courts for any matter in this area, such as claims for non-payment of community fees, claims for damage to private or communal areas, situations arising from non-compliance with agreements of owners' meetings, or the rules of the same, or the law in force.

Reclamaciones de cantidad

Claim Amount

All types of claims, both contractual and non-contractual.

Before going to court, especially in this matter and without detriment to others, it is desirable to reach an out-of-court solution, agreed upon and satisfactory for the client; the last option being goining to court.

Seguros y Responsabilidad Civil

Insurance and Liability

This firm has extensive experience in this field, as a result of the large number of cases handled in this area. Within this field, those relating to claims for compensation for injuries and material damage arising from traffic accidents or other types of accidents, in which claims are made against individuals, insurance companies and any other entity, whether public or private, that may be liable, occupy a prominent place. 

In the event of any type of contingency covered by insurance, the corresponding policy is analysed in detail and claims are made in accordance with what is covered by the policy and the damages suffered by the client.

Bandera Unión Europea

European Union

As a result of the firm's specialisation in this field, and therefore, the knowledge of EU regulations and processes, each case is analysed in this law firm taking them into account, as they are often applicable in order to resolve the matter in question.

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